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Cinnamon use for Diabetes

Cinnamon use for Diabetes

Diabtes epidemic is increasing world wide and estimated about 347 millions diagnosed with type 2 Daibetes( Non Insulin Depenedent Diabetes Mellitus ) which is the most prevalent form of Diabetes. The associated medical costs of complications, mortaility, treatment and management associated with Diabtes is skyorcketing . There is an old natural remedy( Cinnamon) that is getting more and more attention recently to be included in the treatment and control and even prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. Research including data from recent Clinical Trials have shown that regular consuption of Cinnamon is associated with a statstically significant decrease in the levels of fasting glucose, improve good cholestrerol HDL, reduce total and bad cholesterol LDL, lowers Triglycerides and other markers of Metablic syndrome.

Proposed mechanisms for anti-diabetic action of Cinnamon include increased sensitivity to Insulin receptors. Cinnamon also increases amount of Glucose Transporter 4 ( GLUT4), Glucose Transporter 1( GluT1), thus facilitates glucose entry to cells. Cinnamon increase Glucagon-like Peptide-1( GLP-1) levels, which improves glucose transport across cell membranes and reduces Insulin resistance.

Cinnamon increases expression of PPAR( Peroxidase Proliferators Activator Receptor) thus increases Insulin sensitivuity thus control blood glucose level. Cinnamon lowers all markers of Metabolic syndrome including lipid profile, Hg A1C level which is an indicator of glycemic control, waist circumference and body weight. Cinnamon also decreases elevated levels of inflammation such as Cytokines ( Interleukins, Tumor Necrosis Factor) which lead to Insulin resisteance and Atherosclerosis( hardening of arteries) from head to toe which can clinically present with Strokes, Coronary artery disease( angina, heart attacks, congestive heart failure) as well as Peripheral vascular disease. No wonder, just having diabetes even without symptoms of heart disease is considered to be as heart disease equivelant. Thus, diabetes should be treated aggressively to prevent future Cardiovascular events which are almost garaunteed to take place if no intervention to modify risk factors associated with diabetes.

Cinnamon can also benefit Normal Healthy individuals by improving their glucose cotrol, insulin control, gastric emptying rate, lean body mass and potentially Alzheimer disease.

Recently published study showed a daily supplement of 3 grams of Cinnamon for 16 weeks had significant improvement in all components of Metabolic syndrome as mentioned previously. This trial was done in Northern India and was retrospectively registered in Clinical

This encouraging data would give many patients with Type 2 Diabetes that is not well controlled on current medical therapy, to add daily supplemet of Cinnamon along with other life style modifications of limiting Carbohydrate intake, increase physical activity, weight control and close monitorring with treating physicians having yearly eye exam, diabetic foot care along with patient education and engagment. Add antiplatelt therapy if no contraindications especially with elevated lipids and markers of inflammation such as C-Reactive Protien and Sedementation rate. Hopefully, this will help millions of patients with Type 2 Diabets and save billions of Healthcare dollars spent on treating , controlling type 2 diabetes, its complications,related hospitalizations and its related mortality globally.

  • Dr Adel Eldin,MD, FACC, FACP
  • Board Certified Cardiologist
  • President, Clinical Appeals Services
  • Founder, CEO
  • Affordable Quality Healthcare Program
  • Founder, CEO
  • Wesley Chapel , Florida
  • Tel 877-DR ELDIN
  • LinkedIN
  • Twitter. Adel Eldin @LCQHealthCare
  • President ,Society of Physician Entrepreneur, Tampa Bay Chapter

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