About Us
- ProntoCare
- About Us
OUR vision
We bring the Heart Back in Medicine
Our Values
ProntoCare formerly known as Brooksvillecardiology.com has been serving the Tampa Bay Area since 1998.
Now with the ever-changing Healthcare Market, we started our Direct Contracting Healthcare with Concierge Medicine in 2010 to offer relief to hard-working Middle-Class Americans.
Our truly Affordable Quality Healthcare Program has been offered by the City of Tampa over the past three years straight and we are happy to expand our network of Providers and Patients in 2017.
Providing Affordable Quality Healthcare is critical for everyone. Health is the most important commodity and has always been prohibitively expensive to afford. We value our patients by bringing the best of services, prices with transparency and credibility built over the years to protect and advocate for them. We care about our community and believe in giving back.
To help those in need beyond Tampa Bay and offer additional unique services including TeleMedicine and House calls.
We are bringing the Heart back into Medicine!
Adel Eldin has been in private practice in Florida over the past 23 years.
His work is known nationally for patient advocacy, seniors rights, education, and community outreach.
He has published in various journals and took part in multiple clinical and research trials involving treatment of acute myocardial infarction and coronary stent research.

Brooksville Cardiology, Private Practice Brooksville, FL
- Clinical Cardiology Fellow Winthrop University Hospital Mineola, NY
- Interventional Cardiology Fellow Winthrop University Hospital Mineola, NY
- Research Clinical Fellow Interventional Cardiology Hartford Hospital/Hospital of Connecticut Hartford, CT
- Residency (Internal Medicine) University of Connecticut Health Center Farrington, CT
- Internship (Internal Medicine) Jersey Shore Medical Center Neptune, NY
- Externship Brooklyn, V.A. Medical Center State University of New York Brooklyn, NY
- Internship (Internal Medicine) Cairo University Hospital Cairo,Egypt
- Medical Degrees, MB, BS Cairo University of Medicine Cairo, Egypt
- Fellow of the American College of Physicians
- American Heart Association: Clinical Cardiology Council Member in 1994
- American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Affiliated Member in 1994
- American Heart Association (Long Island Chapter) Member of Physician Education Committee in 1996
- American Heart Association (Hernando County Chapter) in 1998
- Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) in 1995
- Council of Geriatric Cardiology Member in 1996
- Florida Medical Association Active Member
- Recognized among the Businessmen of the year by the National Republican Congressional Committee published in the Wall Street Journal in January 2006
- Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council in Florida in 2006
- Appointment for Academic Year, Barry University 2007 – 2008
Co-investigator in the following Clinical trials:
- TIMI 11 trial Shock Trial involving patient with Cardiogenic Shock TIMI 14A, IN TIME TRIAL, restore trial with novel TPA given as a single bolus injection, TIMI 18 (tactics trial) in patients presenting with unstable angina/non Q Wave Myocardial Infarction with emphasis on coronary flow (perfusion by TINI flow) post-Throblytic therapy and primary angioplasty for treatment of acute Myocardial Infarction.
- Worked on the novel concept of local drug delivery that led to subsequent development of Drug-Coated Stents
- US Citizen, married with three daughters. Hobbies include music, sports, languages, and swimming.”
- Enhance Intracoronary Thrombolysis with Urokinese using a Novel, Local Drug Delivery System; In Vitro invivo and clinical studies. Mitchel J. Fram, DB, Pamela D, Foster R, Hirst J, Azrin M, Bow L, A. Eldin, Waters D, McKay Rg. Circulation 1195:91785-793
- Primary Angioplasty using Urokinase-Coated Hydrogel Ballon in Acute Myocardial Infarction during pregnancy. Glazier J, A. Eldin, Hirst J, Dougherty J, Mitchell J, Waters D, McKay R. Catheterization and Diagnosis 1995:36(3);216-9,1995
- Correlation of left Ventricle Function by Gated Spect c99 Sestamibi imaging with contrast Ventriculography. Jose M, Piriz, Francis J, Kiernan, A. Eldin, Hamid F, Michael M, April R III, D Waters, Gary J (Journal of Nuclear Medicine)
- Coronary Stenosis Severety as estimated by Dobutamine stress echo cadiography and as measure by Quantatitave Coronary Angiography A. Eldin, Hamid F, Tawhid Sch, Reza H, Davis W, Raymond M, Linda G, C Chen, Circulation 1995:25:348A
- Local dissolution of Intracoronar Thrombus with Urokinase using the dispatch Catherer, Clinical studies Joseph M, Daniel F, Jeffrey J, Francis K, Chales P, A. Eldin, D Waters, R Mckay. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1195:25:348A
- Localize Intracoronary Delivery of Heparin with Lontophoresis. Mitchel J, Azrin M, Fran D, Ferozell, A. Eldin, Scwedick M, Waters D, D Mckay. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1995:25:358A
- Localize Intracoronary Delivery of Urokinase with Channeled Ballon: Pharmacokinetic of Drugs delivery, Mitchel F, Fram D, Azrin M, Larine B, Todd A, A. Eldin, Michael S. Waters D, D Mckay. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1195:25:247A
- Angiography Complication of Primary Angioplasty. Nawar M, A. Eldin, Babar S, James G, et al. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1996:27:61A
- Correlation of left ventricular Function by gated SPECT Tc-99 Sestambi Imaging with contrast Ventriculography. Jose M, Piriz, Francis K, A. Eldin, Hamid F, M Mamahin, April R, David W, Gary H. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1996:37:105P
- The effect of Acute Intracoronary Stenting on QT Dispersion. A. Eldin, R Hashmi, W Quad, B Ibrahim, A Gambino, J Lazar, R Stingart, T Cohen. Presented at the American Heart Association (Long Island Chapter) Meeting in October 1996.
- Improve Acute Hemodynamic changes aad low procedural complications of elective Ballon Aortic Valvuplasty in the elderly. Manssor, H Feroze, A. Eldin, T Shuaib, L Gilliam, D Waters, RG Mckay. American Journal of Getriatric 11995:4:41
- The effect of platelets Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitor (abczimab) on QT dispersion (QTD) and ventricular arrhymias (Vas) following Acute Coronary Intervention. A. Eldin, R Hasmi, M Salem, R Steigart, T Cohen, abstract Presented at the 19th Annual Scientific Session of North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology Published at PACE Journal.
- The effect of platelets Glycoprotein IIb/IIa Inhibitor (abczimab) on QT Dispersion (QTD) and ventricular arrhmia (vas) following acute coronary intervention in the elderly. A. Eldin, R Hashmi, W Quan, E Solimon, A Gambino, A Rehman, M Salem, R Steigart, T Cohen. Presented at the 3rd Annual Scientific Session of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly and Published at the American Journal of Getriatric Cardiology 1997:6:42.