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Preventing Strokes is Achievable!

Preventing Strokes is Achievable!

Another largely preventable disease which has devestating impact on society, economy and and the entire community when a strokes hits as quality of life will be changed for ever. So, what can be done to prevent strokes?  First of all, for the 75 millions of Americans who have high blood pressure that needs to be […]

Promote Culture of Prevention

Promote Culture of Prevention

The concept of prevention is not practiced in so many aspects of our day to day life for which a real culture change is needed. For example, viewing the most recent tragic mass shooting in Parkland High School is a continuation of similar tragic events that have taken place. Since Dec 2012 when Sandy Hook […]

Social determinants of Health

Social determinants of Health

This term refers to non-medical factors that affect health outcome. World Health Organization has clearly identified 10 social determinants of health including food, work, addiction, transportation, social class, unemployment, social exclusion, stress, nutrition and education. Some are circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live and work in. These factors are important when addressing […]

You Are What You Eat!

You Are What You Eat!

Some people used to say, “it doesn’t matter what you eat…”, but now almost everybody know that it does actually matter. It can make a big difference- eating healthy or eating unhealthy shows that it affects your overall health. Because it costs so much money to be sick, especially if you ended up being hospitalized […]

More Compelling Reasons to end Food Deserts!

More Compelling Reasons to end Food Deserts!

Food deserts were first described in the United Kingdom in the 1990s as low-income neighborhoods with no access to nutritional food. If you happen to be living where local residents do not have access to a supermarket or a store with fresh fruits and vegetables within one mile, you might be living in a food […]

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