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How Low do you have to go with your systolic blood pressure!

How Low do you have to go with your systolic blood pressure!

The final results of the SPRINT  Trial that addressed the issue of Intensive blood pressure control to keep systolic blood pressure ( upper number ) less than 120 mmg versus Standard blood pressure control  to keep systolic blood pressure less than 140 mmg. The  study was sponsored by  National Institute of Health (NHI), National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ( NHLBI) and others  through a diverse populations across the United States, Porto Rico and they were followed up for clinical end points such as coronary events ( Heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes , End -Stage Renal Disease requiring Dialysis or costly kidney transplant,   and age related loss of memory and thinking . It is known that one out of 3 adult Americans have high blood pressure , also known that the systolic blood pressure (upper number) is is much more independent risk predictor rather the diastolic number ( lower number) for all above mentioned adverse events.

The results were very impressive, in the adult group with hypertension that was treated aggressively to keep systolic blood pressure less than 120 mmg, which showed reduction in major cardiovascular events by 26%, 41% reduction in the incidence of strokes, 43% reduction in relative risk for death from cardiovascular events  in the intensive treatment group keeping systolic blood pressure less than 120 mmg  compared with the standard treatment group. Also there were 36% reduction in composite renal outcome , including worsening of renal functions or need for dialysis.

SPRINT Trial results will have profound impact on the way Hypertension or ( Elevated Blood Pressure) will be treated . This again will affect millions in the US and one Billion adults Globally who will be treated more aggressively ( including mutiple drug therapy if needed, life style modifications including smoking cessation , low salt intake, regular exercise , limit alcohol consumption, weight reduction and stress management with frequent monitoring till the goal of systolic blood pressure less than 120 mmg is reached!

This is done to prevent the costly devastating events that would  take place even as we thought it was adequate control for patients without diabetes of keeping systolic blood pressure less than 140 mmg!

Again, it is all going to be linked to your number , that is your systolic blood pressure number that now has to be kept less than 120 mmg based on SPRINT Trial data which will be reviewed by third party payers  which will govern ( payment for performance model!) if the goal is or is not met and why!

Now after SPRINT Trial data , you should know now How Low you Have to go with your systolic blood pressure to prevent a very common health problem called ( High Blood Pressure!). We are strong patient advocates and we empower patients through education and community outreach!

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