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It is All about Wellness Folks

It is All about Wellness Folks

For more than three decades of being involved in delivering Healthcare in the USA, it has been always my passion to introduce real solutions to our unhealthy Healthcare system. Here are basic facts to start with. We spend the most money on healthcare, but ranked number 37th in the World according to healthcare outcome! We […]

A Preventable cause for Congestive Heart Failure!

A Preventable cause for Congestive Heart Failure!

Looking so many times at this classic X ray image of a patient presenting clinically with congestive Heart failure and discussing with medical students asking them how did the patient get to that point? Simply, the X ray shows an enlarged Cardiac silhouette, obliteration of the costophrenic angle with fluid ( where the arrow is) […]

Preventing Sinusitis is Achievable!

Preventing Sinusitis is Achievable!

With the cold season fast approaching, it is important to learn about how to avoid and deal with sinusitis. According to the CDC, The Center for Disease Control, there are 30.8 million Americans suffer from chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation in the cavities of the bone surrounding the nose causing pain in the nasal […]

Prevent Dehydration and Heat Strokes

Prevent Dehydration and Heat Strokes

I tell all my patients especially the seniors being very sensitive to dehydration more during the Hot Summer months to stay well hydrated even if it means they have to go more often to the bathroom! Dehydration would increase risks of Heat exhaustion or even heat stroke peaking in the Summer months. Record high temperatures […]

Preventing Food Borne Illness

Preventing Food Borne Illness

Food is supposed to make you feel healthy and strong to be able to perform daily tasks. Since food is used to sustain an individual, food can also be used as medicine to strengthen your immune system and prevent disease.  According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control) it is estimated that 76 million Americans […]

Suicide Prevention is Achievable!

Suicide Prevention is Achievable!

Suicide is the leading cause of death after accidents for ages 10-34 in the US. There is an estimated 1.3 million adults attempt suicide every year mostly by firearms! There is a Global crisis as there are almost 800,000 people die every year around the world due to suicide which can be prevented in most […]

Preventing Lung diseases is Achievable

Preventing Lung diseases is Achievable

Lung diseases are mostly preventable with the exception of cases that are due to genetics or sleep disorders. The most important preventive measure is to stop smoking as it damages the lung, causes Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and releases harmful toxins into the lungs. Thus, it is very important not to be exposed to […]

Preventing Kidney Failure!

Preventing Kidney Failure!

Acute Kidney injury or AKI, costs about $90 billion dollars a year! It is associated with high mortality and progression into chronic kidney disease which may be treated with either dialysis or kidney transplant as limited options .Thus, the main focus would be to prevent acute kidney injury and have early detection to take appropriate management […]

Preventing Cancer is Achievable!

Preventing Cancer is Achievable!

Cancer ranks the second cause of death in the US after Heart Disease. It is mostly preventable. Many studies have established evidence that fresh fruits and vegetables can prevent a variety of cancers because of their anti-oxidants such as carotenoids. Certain plants such as ( Broccoli and Cauliflower) can enhance programmmed cell death ( Apoptosis) […]

Preventing Strokes is Achievable!

Preventing Strokes is Achievable!

Another largely preventable disease which has devestating impact on society, economy and and the entire community when a strokes hits as quality of life will be changed for ever. So, what can be done to prevent strokes?  First of all, for the 75 millions of Americans who have high blood pressure that needs to be […]

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