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It is All about Wellness Folks

For more than three decades of being involved in delivering Healthcare in the USA, it has been always my passion to introduce real solutions to our unhealthy Healthcare system. Here are basic facts to start with.

We spend the most money on healthcare, but ranked number 37th in the World according to healthcare outcome!

Amazon Does It All

Amazon is changing the way business is done here in the US and Globally. Amazon started with selling books, then expanded to being online retail selling food, organic groceries, and millions of products. Amazon added online services for Bushiness which includes Web Hosting, Storage of Data all over the World, provide Digital Marketing to help targeting potential customers with a specific product being sold.

Promote Culture of Prevention

The concept of prevention is not practiced in so many aspects of our day to day life for which a real culture change is needed.

For example, viewing the most recent tragic mass shooting in Parkland High School is a continuation of similar tragic events that have taken place. Since Dec 2012 when Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting killing 20 children, there has been 1607 mass shootings killing at least 1864 and wounding 6459 fellow Americans.

Is your Job secured?

The increasing rate of Automation constitute a major concern for many as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken away first many routine low skilled jobs from middle class in America. This has gone in parallel with with increased income-inequalities between owners of capitol and those who do the labor.

The share of income held by top 1% of the population increased to 20% up from 10% in 1980. AI and Automation influence has increased from affecting low skilled jobs, to having medium skilled jobs as Driver-less Cars, Driver-less buses to be operating in smart cities, leading to many drivers potentially loose their jobs. It is estimated that one fourth to one third of total jobs will be lost due to AI/Automation.

Lessons from Hurricane Harvey and Irma

America has been hit hard with two back to back destructive hurricanes of major magnitude with Harvey In Texas and Irma in Florida.

During tough times you see the best and worst in people. Yes, there are many stories of heroism, sacrifice, going above and beyond to help save fellow humans and animals left stranded due to the hurricane. 

Fulfilling New Year Resolution

As the year 2016 comes to an end and 2017 is here, one must pause and rethink the New Year Resolution. To have a fresh start with the New Year and work on achieving a number of goals which usually include start exercising regularly, loose weight, stop smoking and drinking, spend more quality time with family […]

Chronic use of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs are frequently used medications for treatment of many conditions including Peptic Ulcer Disease , Gastroesophygeal Reflux Disease( GERD), prevention and treatment of Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs ( NSAIDs)-induced gastric ulcers.

Avoid Holiday Heart Syndrome!

Holiday Heart syndrome most commonly refers to association between Alcohol use and heart rhythm disturbances with Atrial fibrillation is most common. Alcohol increases the secretion of Epinephrine and Nor-epinephrine with increase sympathetic output with rise in free fatty acids levels. Direct alcohol toxicity to heart muscle causes a well known entity called alcoholic cardiomyopathy with […]

Transitioning from Obamacare

Transitioning from Obamacare

In less than a month since the Election results came out on November 8th, there is a fast transition taking place with the new administration including healthcare. Moving forward from Obamacare to Trump Care would include important changes which will attempt to highlight some of them. First, keeping two important elements of Obama care ( No […]

A Preventable cause for Congestive Heart Failure!

A Preventable cause for Congestive Heart Failure!

Looking so many times at this classic X ray image of a patient presenting clinically with congestive Heart failure and discussing with medical students asking them how did the patient get to that point?

Ready for 2025?

ProntoCare has gone virtual!